Monthly Archives: July 2015

Welcome to the Community College Forum/Two Year College Discussion Group!

The Two Year College Discussion Group is one of the 49 MLA Discussion Groups “designed to accommodate the scholarly and professional interests of small constituencies concerned with discrete literatures or with literary and linguistic subjects that are not encompassed by one of the divisions” (

Once the MLA moves from Discussion Groups to Forums, we will be known as the Community College Forum.

The 2015-16 Executive Committee Members are:

Michael Burke (Chair)
Falk Cammin
Stacey Donohue (Secretary)
Linda Weinhouse
(One position is unfilled)

If you are interested in working with the discussion group as a member or being considered as a future member of the Executive Committee, please contact one of us, or watch this blog, for information about our annual business meeting at the MLA Convention.

For the 2016 Convention in Austin, we will are arranging a panel on teaching the Humanities online.